Recent Goodies
I have been staying a little busy lately,
also in the kitchen!
My recent creations have been still autumn-inspired.
Thanksgiving was a very festive and delicious goodbye to the fall cooking and baking.
Here are some of the most recent goodies I made
(and had a chance to actually take a picture before they were devoured!).
Ostatnio bylam nieco zajeta,
rowniez w kuchni, gdzie do niedawna krolowaly potrawy jeszcze inspirowane smakami jesieni.
Zeszlotygodniowe Swieto Dziekczynienia bylo bardzo wystawnym
i jakze smacznym pozegnaniem jesiennych pysznosci.
Oto niektore z moich ostatnich przysmakow,
ktorym zdazylam zrobic zdjecie zanim zostaly ze smakiem zjedzone!
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Beautiful pictures and even more beautiful looking dishes! The turkey looks so scrumptious and the cranberry sauce - delicious! You can definitely be proud of yourself, you did an amazing job my dear! xoxo