Monday, June 10, 2013

Homemade Chicken Nuggets with Baked Potatoes (Domowe Chicken Nuggets z Pieczonymi Ziemniakami)

Homemade Chicken Nuggets served with Baked Potatoes and Salad

Who doesn't crave "fast/junk food" from time to time?
I (unfortunately) crave crisp and salty french fries with some spicy chicken burger.
Not good, I admit.
BUT, after all, we are only humans and sometimes we just crave unhealthy foods.
Bad news is that fries and burgers at fast food restaurant are really not that good for you.
Good news is that you can make your own "fast food" style food at home.
Much healthier and much tastier!

During one of my so called "fast food" cravings, 
I came up with this idea - baked chicken nuggets with baked potatoes.
Instead of: fried chicken and french fries.
Chicken nuggets turned out to be very juicy and perfectly baked, with nice golden flakes.
Baked potatoes had a nice spicy flavor, they were soft on the inside and crisp on the outside.

It turned out to be really delicious yet healthy dinner - it definitely satisfied my cravings!

Homemade Baked Chicken Nuggets:
6 chicken breasts
4 cups of corn flakes (slightly crushed)
2 eggs
5 tbsps of whole milk
5 tbsps of mayonnaise

Wash the meat, dry and cut any fat.
Cut into cubes (size depends on how big you want your nuggets to be).
Crush the corn flakes and put in one large bowl.
In the other bowl, mix the milk with mayonnaise, eggs, and spices.
Take some chicken pieces and marinade them in the mayonnaise mixture
(Mayonnaise has enough fat to prevent the chicken meat from drying in the oven).
Place mayo covered chicken in the corn flakes.
Make sure chicken pieces are evenly covered in the flakes.
Transfer onto a baking sheet covered with aluminum foil.
Repeat until you have used all your meat.
Put in the 350F (175C) oven for about 20-30 minutes, until golden brown.


Baked Potato Wedges:
small potatoes with young and thin skins
olive oil
favorite spices

Wash and dry potatoes.
Cut into wedges.
Toss them with olive oil and mix with your favorite spices
(rosemary, herbs de Provence, etc.) in a large bowl.
Lay on a baking sheet with an aluminum foil.
Put in the 350 F (175C) oven for about 30 minutes (or until soft and ready).

We used lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers and onions.
And of course, my new favorite Italian Dressing!




Domowe Chicken Nuggets:
6 piersi z kurczaka
4 szklanki płatków kukurydzianych (lekko zgniecionych)
2 jajka
5 łyżek pełnotłustego mleka
5 łyżek majonezu

Mięso umyć, osuszyć.
Pokroić w kostkę.
Rozdrobnić płatki kukurydziane i umieścić w jednej dużej misce.
W drugiej misce wymieszać mleko z majonezem, dodać jajka i przyprawy.
Weź kilka kawałków kurczaka i marynuj je w zalewie majonezowej
(Majonez jest wystarczająco tłusty, aby zapobiec wysuszeniu kurczaka).
Zamarynowanego w majonezie kurczaka obtaczaj w płatkach kukurydzianych.
Upewnij się, że kawałki kurczaka są równomiernie pokryte płatków.
Przenieść na blachę pokrytą folią aluminiową.

Umieść w nagrzanym do 175C piekarniku i piecz przez około 20-30 minut, do złotego koloru.


Pieczone Ziemniaki:
małe ziemniaki w skórkach
oliwa z oliwek
ulubione przyprawy

Ziemniaki umyć i wysuszyć.
Pokroić w ćwiarki.
Wymieszać je z oliwą z oliwek i z ulubionymi przyprawami
(rozmaryn, zioła prowansalskie, itp.) w dużej misce.
Ułożyć na blasze z folią aluminiową.
Umieść w nagrzanym do 175C piekarniku i piec około 30 minut (lub aż będą miękkie i gotowe).

Podawać kurczaka i ziemniaki z ulubioną sałatą.


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